7 Alternatives to Parse.com | NexGenDesign
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7 Alternatives to Survive Parse Shutdown



“We’re proud that we’ve been able to help so many of you build great mobile apps, but we need to focus our resources elsewhere,” Parse CTO Kevin Lacker wrote in a blog post.

Parse shutdown was the hottest news to discuss at the beginning of February. Twitter feed looked desperate and frustrated:


There are numerous articles rumouring on “WHY?!”, why did Facebook shut down the most popular SDK for mobile development? There’s really a lot to this story, but we’d like to concentrate on WHAT’S NEXT?

First of all let’s clear the air on what Parse.com is. Simply speaking, it’s a backend service provider. In other words it’s an application development platform that stores all data in the cloud.

With their products Parse Core, Parse Social, Parse Push etc., this framework provided unlimited opportunities to develop mobile apps for iOS, Android, Windows by using just one SDK.

Now, many teams are looking for alternatives to develop an app without bothering of the backend, and those owing an app with Parse.com backend are thinking on HOW to take all the code from Parse.com elsewhere and which platform to choose.

IT’S IMPORTANT: You’ll have an opportunity to TRANSFER YOUR DATA FROM PARSE.COM TILL January 27, 2017. This is the last day Parce.com will be running.

Aside from using alternative sevices, you can take all your data away from parse.com to your own server (if you have one). Just take to account that you and everyone on your team should be very attentive since you’ll have to move both backend and frontend. It can also happen that you lose some of UI components, so do your best to keep it working.

The good news is that you don’t need to refactor your code for the app to render Parse SDK.


Another option is using special platform for your app’s backend. Below is an overview of 7 alternative platforms you can use to develop your mobile app:

1. moBack

Cost: $100.

This is a solution for big companies. You can find Google, Verizon, SalesForce, SanDisk among their customers. moBack offers solutions for scalable projects along with high security standards.

2. Firebase

Cost: 6 pricing plans from $0 – $1 499.

For Javascript apps entirely hosted on Parse.com that’ll be a good option. It also supports iOS and Android, but is mostly recommended for JavaScript apps. It can also automatically scale your app and provides secure SSL connection with a 2048-bit certificate.

3. Kii

Cost: Free trial, subscription plans not available on website.

This service is concentrated on the IoT apps (Internet of things) and provides you with regular updates, allowing to scale your project. You can build social apps with built-in geolocation add push notifications and a lot more. For their customer’s convenience, Kii has offices worldwide from the USA to China.

4. Appcelerator

Cost: Free before the app is available on the store.

Another working solution for all JavaScript apps. Their clients are Cisco, RayBan, 21st etc. This Saas offers development to build native apps for iOS, Android and Windows only. A slight bonus is that you can use the platform completely for free until the moment the app is available at AppStore or Google Play.

5. backendless

Cost: Free for 1 developer only.

This SaaS offers cloud or local solution for developing apps on all major platforms. By installing Backendless you get all their products all-in-one:

  • mBaaS: user management, geolocation, analytics, data streaming, push notifications etc.;
  • Hosting: file editor, graphical file management, file upload etc.;
  • API Engine: API generation, API inspector, Swagger integration etc.;
  • Marketplace: ability to receive new database connectors, code generators etc.

6. built.io

Cost: Not available on website. Upon request.

Just like Kii, Built.io allows building applications for IoT as well as mobile and web. They’re also proud to be Amazon, Xamarin, vmware, AppGyver partner.

7. APPLiCasa

Cost: Free if your app is used by 1000 users.

And finally there’s something for game developers. Applicasa offers all-in-one solution for mobile game projects including platform for backend development, analytics, monetization and store. They’ll take care of user’s registration issues, virtual currencies and payment synchronizations. You can also add leaderboards, a-sync multiplayer mechanics and many more.

Feel more optimistic now?

If you’re affected by Parse.com shutdown, then you have to decide which option to choose until there’s time. NexGenDesign will be glad to become of service for both server adjustments and app development using any SaaS platform. In fact, there are even more SaaS platforms, so do your best to choose the most appropriate one. Let’s discuss?


One response to “7 Alternatives to Survive Parse Shutdown”

  1. bbqchickenrobot says:

    What about rethinkdb? That’s definitely a great alternative to parse and any other database!

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