TugaWords: Brand New Mobile Scrabble | NexGenDesign
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Brand New Mobile Scrabble

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Description: Mobile app based on scrabble game idea with new challenging features added.

Client:  US game development studio.

Challenge: The aim was not to copy the existing scrabble game but to create a familiar play but with new exciting and fresh ideas that would turn the game into a challenging edutainment. The customer wanted participants not only to fill the gaps with letters like all of us have played before, but to inspire players to act fast, be able to give definitions to the words and spell all of them correctly. The game had also to include an element of strategy, so that participants could buy SmartFast Medallions to have advantage to win the game.

Solution: Our team got to work fast and engaged. In order to set time limits for the game-players we introduced a special feature that tracked the participant’s motions during the play. Another issue we fixed was enabling dictionary-checking of all the words with not less than 4 meanings per word. Players could examine one another for misspelling the words just by looking it up in the dictionary. To make TugaWords a fair play we added a score system and enabled the ability to buy SmartFast Medallions for extremely hazard players. Though the game was initiated for iOS platform, we used OpenGl so that any changes can be easily made and the game could be adapted for Android platform in future if needed.

Technologies: C#, OpenGl, MonoGame Framework, Visual Studio 2013, Xamarin SDK (iOS), Xamarin Facebook SDK.

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