Online Auction | NexGenDesign
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Online Auction

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Description: Online auction where users can sell and buy different types of goods.

Client: Group of investors, Denmark.

Goal: Client wanted to build an online auction. It had to use a special bid algorithm with auto bids, timers, specific back-end system. Special requirements mentioned detection of users location and showing them particular bids, special notification system, custom invoice system and more.

Solution: According to the client’s requirements the website has been build based on Magento CMS. For these purposes Magento core has been modificated so that site functionality could match client requirements. Special auction module was built and allowed to make auto bids, put special schedule for an auction, trace what happens with the particular bid. Also the additional notification system was developed. It allows to check bids, accept or decline them. For user detection a module based on user’s IP detection (for a country) was created. It demonstrates them special offers.

Technologies: PHP, MySQL, Magento CMS, JavaScript, AJAX, Jquery, HTML/CSS.

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