Market Analysis for IT Company | NexGenDesign
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Market Analysis for IT Company

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Description: Market analysis and buyer personas creation for software development company.

Client: Software development house from Eastern Europe.

Challenge: Our customer is an IT outsourcing company > 28 people providing desktop, web and mobile application development services. They have solid experience within their field and have recently decided to grow. For our customer it was a well-argued decision and in order to determine the hottest skills and technologies in the market, we’ve conducted custom marketing research. So the key challenge was to find pure stats on technologies that were in demand in the market.

Solution: We divided the research into 3 steps:  

  • market research using Upwork and Freelancer, top platforms to search for outsourcing providers. Analysis of the top technologies in demand for customers from the USA, Canada and European Eunion. Supply-and-demand balance study.
  • buyer personas creation by analysing the company’s portfolio and success stories to determine the key features their customers have in common. Defining the key challenges their potential customers face to offer the most appropriate message to reach them out.
  • summing up the market research and buyer personas results, we offered our customer a clear step by step strategy to extend their business: which technologies to extend their business with, got them know their target audience and shared ideas how to approach their new customers according to the buyer personas study.

Technologies: Market research, data analysis.

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